How To Relieve Stress With Aromatherapy Oils - Of your five senses, the sense of smell is the only sense that is directly connected to the limbic system or the emotional control center in your brain. That is why when you are feeling stressed, smelling aromatherapy can be useful to relieve stress.

How To Relieve Stress With Aromatherapy Oils

Here are some types of aromatherapy oils that you can try to relieve stress:

     1. Lavender
     When you are stressed and anxious your brain waves will move really fast. Inhaling the scent of lavender helps slow the brain wave activity is fast and replace it with the alpha wave brain activity more slowly. This will help you feel relaxed and calm.

2. Jasmine
     Jasmine is very effective for calming the nerves. Jasmine oil can help manage stress, anxiety and excessive joy. Jasmine is one of the best essential oils to calm frazzled nerves.

3. Roses and germanium
     Oil rose germanium has a floral scent that can help revive your mood and relieve anxiety. This oil is known to balance hormone levels and cause the body to relax. Oil rose germanium will provide a calming sensation throughout your body.

4. Bergamot Oil
     Bergamot oil obtained from the peel of citrus fruit unripe bitter orange tree. This oil has a refreshing scent that is typical of citrus fruits. This scent helps the hypothalamus part of the brain reach a state of calm and homeostasis. The aroma is highly recommended to help relieve stress and anxiety.

5. Ylang-ylang
     Although not as effective as the oil of jasmine, ylang ylang also has stress relieving properties. Combine this oil with bergamot oil or the other to get a pleasant aroma.

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