Healthy Nutrition for Your Skin

 Skin is an important organ in the body in addition to beauty, skin is important to protect our bodies from environmental factors such as viruses, bacteria, some chemicals, and temperature changes. The skin also contains melanin pigment which protects the skin against ultraviolet rays from the sun.

The skin is also very dependent on a healthy diet. The better our nutrition, getting healthy and glowing skin too. In addition to having a healthy diet, skin care is the best way to maintain the beauty and the beauty of the skin. Not only the body that needs nourishing substances to stay healthy, but the skin was badly in need of nutrients every day to stay healthy and able to replace the dead skin cells with new skin cells healthier.

Here are some nutrients that we can remember to choose foods that are healthy for the skin or used as a reference to select skin care products or vitamins that are good:

1. Vitamin A and Carotene
Vitamin A plays a role in the formation of the epithelial cells of the epidermis skin cells, plays a role in the process of skin keratinization, sebum production settings, helping to restore and repair the damage caused by light, striae, and cellulite. Vitamin A is found in animal foods, whereas carotene especially in vegetable food. Sources of vitamin A include liver, egg yolk, milk, and butter. Source carotene are green vegetables and fruits are yellow-orange, such as cassava leaves, bean leaves, spinach, kale, spinach, string beans, green beans, carrots, tomatoes, yellow corn, papaya, mango, jackfruit and citrus cooking.

2. Vitamin B
To keep moisture and regenerate the skin. Panethenol substances resulting from vitamin B is the substance of a vitamin that can be applied externally to the skin and can be absorbed into the inner skin layers. Useful to maintain balance and keep the skin moist. Some foods that contain vitamin B are brown rice, cassava, and green beans.

3. Vitamin C
Not only good for keeping the immune system, but also for the immunity of the skin due to sun exposure. In addition, vitamin C is well known for its power to make your skin whiter, and can help increase the production of collagen in the skin to keep skin elastic. Vitamin C can be obtained from oranges, broccoli, kiwi fruit, parsley, papaya, tomatoes, and so on. Therefore, no wonder if the vitamin is often used as a vitamin supplement on skin care products.

4. Vitamin D
Vitamin D plays a role in the regulation of the immune system of the skin and the formation of the epithelium. Vitamin D is activated in the skin with the help of sunlight and other sources of food that are egg yolks, liver, cream, butter and fish-liver oil.

5. Vitamin E
Known to keep skin youthful. This vitamin is also found to reduce discomfort or pain in the skin cracked or inflamed. Nutritional vitamin E could we have with foods containing vitamin E such as nuts, tuna, sprouts, avocado, lobster or choose skin care products that contain olive oil.

6. Omega 3
For people who are having problems or not inelastic wrinkled skin, omega 3 can make the skin becomes elastic. We can consume foods containing high omega-3 fish such as sardines, mackerel, and salmon. The body does not produce omega 3, so we have to get through these foods.

7. Selenium
Selenium works with vitamin E as an antioxidant. The main sources of selenium are seafood, liver, and kidneys. Meat and poultry are also a good source of selenium.

8. Water
To keep skin moist, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, helps cells absorb nutrients and excrete toxins.

When we consume or use skin care products that contain one of the above nutrients, we have two benefits at once, the body and skin healthy. Beautiful skin is not only beautiful to the eye alone, should also maintained their health through skin care products and a good lifestyle.

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